It is the duty of the priests of Mictlan to inform the peoples of the world that Laws and bountiful rewards has been brought to the world. With laws comes order and hiearchy. With hiearchy comes division of labor. With division of labor comes comfort for the people.
Food is being imported from seven continents and no one needs to work.
Abandon your abominations and false prophets, for Totl is here to redeem you.
Follow the lawgiver and comfort will be granted you as you seat yourself on the thrones of the world.
Deny Him and you will be the trodden, the lost and the unenlightenable, treated in accordance with your spiritual development.
As rulers of the world, you will be glorified and served by the masses, given food and luxury. You will get all goodness in life.
See the example of Teoxl, Voice and Prophet of Totl. He is thrice blessed. Once with flaming eyes, for his hatred of the dark.
Twice with choking breath, for his hatred of the young.
Thrice with a body weight of five men.
He is given pleasures innumerable.
He is given food from seven continents.
He is given a bed of Jade with blankets of Lard.
Come to Totl, and you will be given Girth of unequalled proportions.
In other words: my prophet has become obese
. Best news so far!