Re: Atrocities Star Trek Mod v2.0 (Oct Update)
Here is an update for the AST Mod 2.0
Version 2.1 - 1. Fixed Sheliak now have correct colony tech
2. Changed Slipstream Drive (Ancient Artifact) now requires Warp Technology level 10.
3. Fixed Defiant mount will now scale Pulse Phasers correctly
4. Fixed BOP Mount will now scale secondary weapon correctly
5. Fixed Outpost now has access to shield mounts
6. Fixed Range Mount (Ancient Artifacts) Will now scale weapons correctly
7. Fixed Weapon Power Mount (Ancient Artifacts) Will now scale weapons correctly
8. Fixed Weapon Platform mounts now do more damage than satellite mounts
9. Fixed Neutral Races now have access to correct facilities
10. Fixed Most Neutral Races should now have special facility from game start
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.