
April 2nd, 2008, 05:51 PM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Paging Ylvali, Paging Ylvali.
Please pick up the white courtesy phone. A message awaits you.

April 3rd, 2008, 08:50 AM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Courtesy phone answered.

April 5th, 2008, 04:31 AM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
He was tired, very tired was Tithonos as he had just worked a long shift at the aluminum plant where they manufacture airplane parts. But he did not work at making pieces of airplanes, no he didn't..
To be continued.. (in a few days when I am less utterly exhausted and done at the aluminium plant)

April 7th, 2008, 04:03 AM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Surrender now Oceania, and we will agree to only lobotomize half of your remaining peoples. Refuse this generous offer, then all of your troops will become R'lyean brain fodder.
Be forewarned, anything I post is probably either 1) Sophomoric humor, 2) Satire, 3) A gross exaggeration of the power I currently possess, 4) An outright lie, or 5) Drunken ramblings.
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April 7th, 2008, 01:44 PM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
The hooves of the dead trample the east of the world. The few Agarthans remaining make a last stand deep in their cave fortress. The Vanir fight valiantly, but the hundreds they return to their rest seem to be replaced without pause.
The tide of death must be stopped before it is too late. The Lord of Avalon declares his Pact with Ermor ended and calls on the other nations of the world to help stop him now.

April 7th, 2008, 02:57 PM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Argarthans do not eat. It is both a blessing and a curse, Sargon muses. At this point it is only prolonging their death. Their cave fort defenses were breached long ago by the hoards of unliving just outside. The constant cacophony of bone scraping stone drowns out all conversation. Each is left to his own nightmarish thoughts. No one has any real nightmares any more, because no one has slept in weeks. The noise combined with the threat of imminent invasion of undead is enough to keep even the humans without sleep. Sargon is no different. His huge pale body is slumped against his favorite setting stone. It offers him no comfort. His body is beginning to show signs of decrepitude.
Sargon ponders the end of his race. He wishes for a moment that Argarthans could weep like humans do. He angrily banishes the thought. It is their fault! How could my people be out bred by these awful smelling monkeys? Perhaps our demise is for the best. First we accept them into our caverns, the greedy little primates. But now we have accepted one as the true god. Wretched. She is only slightly older than me!, Sargon rages.
....more to come?
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

April 7th, 2008, 11:16 PM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
Will the dead ever know peace?
So be it. We now add Man to our ever-growing list our enemies. It is currently Turn 48. On Turn 51, we shall give the orders to our minions so that the war begins on Turn 52.

April 8th, 2008, 12:25 AM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
The forest loving peoples of Pangea have heard of the atrocities being committed against the great forests of the east and declare themselves to also be at a state of war with the hordes of ancient Ermor.
Sadly, the noble Spider-lovers of Machaka are between us so the aid we can render is but slight at the moment. Although if folks care to throw piles of earth gems our way we can cast quite a few economically devastating rituals.. (ooc I've site searched the bejeezus out of things and while we have an adequate income of nearly every other gem our earth income is a measly 3..)
Ermor is nearing a point where the sheer mass of troops, gems and mages will allow them to make an end grab for provinces and thus clinch victory.
We call on all able bodied nations to act now before it is too late.
Then you can kill me next!

April 8th, 2008, 12:26 AM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
The capitol of Oceania now belongs to R'lyeh. It should not be too long until their last rebel forces are defeated. We just hope it is not too late to save the topworlders. Beware. We could come up out of the sea anywhere.
Be forewarned, anything I post is probably either 1) Sophomoric humor, 2) Satire, 3) A gross exaggeration of the power I currently possess, 4) An outright lie, or 5) Drunken ramblings.
I occasionally post something useful.

April 8th, 2008, 02:59 PM
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Re: Priori - New MA Game (Sign Up Now!)
I hate to do this when I've just expanded the war, but I'm going to be away from computers for a long weekend. From Friday morning to Monday night.
I can try to find a sub, but since that'll likely be the opening battle of my new war, I'd hate to miss it.
Would people be okay with a delay? It should only be a turn or two.
I hope to be back in time to play Monday night, but if it's too late I might not be able to do it until after work on Tuesday.
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