Once again I'll just skim over most of this to say that in general, I think that nations with stronger planetbound troops will be more defensive (take a system/planet and hold it), while nations with powerful ships will be more offensive (use the powerful ships to invade many different systems and leverage the powerful navy).
JimMorrison said:
Hey are you married to that name? Neuclidia, or Neoclidia could be fun. Just a thought. <3
Excellent idea! Neoclidia it is.
What kind of sprites do you need? I can't download anything, just put a list on this thread as a reply.
Alright then.
YITHIANS (as long as it has two arms and four eyes it's fine)
-Cultist (base Yithian, just some clothes or robes or something is fine)
-High Cultist (commander, it'd also be nice if it was more priest-looking)
-Awakener (commander, they use digging lasers instead of claws for melee weapons)
-Elder Awakener (commander, really old, has really long "Strange Claws" instead of normal claws)
That's everything that I've finished for now. There's also the Deep Ones (not sure how they'll turn out, they can wait until later to be sprited), Shoggoths (kinda bubbly masses of stuff which will also come in War Shoggoth variety) and Nyars/Flying Polyps (not sure which ones I want or what they'll do yet).
Finally, I'd like it if you could make some Old Ones (and Lesser Old Ones, and Greater Old Ones...). Giant eyeless slugs with five arms, incoherent masses of living primordial goo, horrible beings that mankind has only glimpsed in the most fearsome of nightmares, go wild. Maybe a ranged (yay for beings who can blast multiple minds!) and melee (yay for weakness-inducing Strange Claws!) variety for each one? The Great Old Ones, of course, will all be unique. Also large and scary.
I'm trying not to limit your artistic expression. Am I doing it right?