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Old December 10th, 2008, 07:35 PM

Toran Toran is offline
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Default Re: Methadone - running

Hehe, well, the game level aside, where I love to joke around - just for me to understand the effects of the globals...

- noone has any direct advantage of it, other than maybe not being affected in comparison to the others

- the more units+provinces one has, the more one is affected

- nations with old mages are in a bit of trouble , while nations with undead or undead summons won't need to care at all.

Of course Marignon is not really the target, since he's almost dead now anyway (I'm not claiming it's going to be easy to storm the castle, but his armies and income base are dead), so it's just about Man and Abysia - where the latter one has a few mages which might be a bit on the old side...

Last edited by Toran; December 10th, 2008 at 07:39 PM..
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Old December 10th, 2008, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: Methadone - running

Uh......not to rain on your parade, Toran.....but Man's Mages are no spring chickens, either!!!!

But why should we care?

No one lives forever!!! Besides...Our mages are eagerly waiting to meet that one armed Cyclops in the sky.....

Wait......that was another time, another place......
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Old December 10th, 2008, 07:49 PM

Toran Toran is offline
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Default Re: Methadone - running

"spring chicks"... nice, got to remember that phrase

Dang, misread - first read was you were writing "Mar's mages...", but you said "Man's".

Yep, your important ones are old already as well. I'm glad I never did any empowering, would be quite a waste now in retrospective, even though I considered it from time to time.

Pah. I take it, this game's gonna go into the final phase, right? Where Gath' undead minions will swarm us... wait, will he do that? We will see. Most probably something completely different. Swarms of fearless Militia probably.

Last edited by Toran; December 10th, 2008 at 07:56 PM..
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Old December 10th, 2008, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: Methadone - running


BoT: Sucks not to be Gath here, except for my old men researcher dudes are gonna kick the bucket pretty soon. Actually Aby is not so bad, since you've got devils coming out your arse, and young B1 hunters.

AC: Sucks to be Man, because he's got no blood to operate under AC, and not much astral (that I know of) for Returning, so it's more dangerous for him to forge/cast rituals.

Eyes of God: Only Marignon benefits, but I don't know, the AI may cheat and know where enemy provinces are.

As far as having more units and provinces, if you'd like to give me some of your provinces I'd be more than happy to take them off your hands.

BoT is going to make the Marignon capitol way easier to crack in a few months, when all the mages are dead. Just wait for the research graph to level off.


That's the spirit!

I still think I'm pretty dead, considering Aby's got double everything (provinces, gems, armies ... am I missing anything?) and devils galore. Man's got one pretty huge army on my border too, just to throw in a little additional excitement.

Edit: Toran, do you mean Marignon's undead? He threw a crapload of undead horsemen at me last month, with yet another Helio. I've got one Bane and one Mound King, last time I counted.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.

Last edited by vfb; December 10th, 2008 at 08:04 PM..
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Old December 10th, 2008, 08:17 PM

Toran Toran is offline
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Default Re: Methadone - running

1st comment: As long as everyone is thinking he's going to lose, it must be okay, right? *gg*

2nd - don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem either losing or just suc*ing , but I need to understand how everything works before being able to make fun of it

3rd - of course I might be wrong, but from what I see from the graph, most of his mages are already dead. The remaining ones most probably hold lanterns as well, which "inflates" his research capacities/mage numbers further.

4th - nah, I was thinking of undead on your part - with all the Death gems you seem to have (sure, fielding undead vs. Marignon or Abysia isn't that great). I know, you were just thinking "I can't use undead, so I'll just BoT" *g*

5th - it was his last Heliophagus, by the way. A shame how the AI wastes them, considering how many months the AI could have pestered us with horrors if it had used the slaves for those...

6th - drama is one thing, but "double everything", looking at the numbers... sure, army is twice the number. Well, you're Gath , AND I have so called "Luck" scales, which allow me to field all the militia I could ever dream of. Those few devils are just there to motivate them.

Ah, we will see. Let's get done with Marignon - purge the mutant, kill the heretic!

PS: Mr. AshLord insists on declaring that there are NO unholy creatures crawling from his godly behind. Even though he's a Phoenix and doesn't mind the heat, those horns would give an uncomfortable sensation.

Last edited by Toran; December 10th, 2008 at 08:17 PM.. Reason: typos
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Old December 10th, 2008, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Methadone - running

1 - IMO as long as everyone is still having fun, it must be okay.

2 - You are not losing or sucking.

3 - Oh great! Marignon's research slope is the same as Gath's, so all my mages are dead too. :wink: Anyone holding a lantern should be dead already. My horror-marked researchers died long ago.

4 - Of course I saved up all my death gems and piled them into BoT. I'd hate to see it dispelled! Death chaff summons don't last long against Aby or Marignon.

5 - Nope, he's got another in his fort. Unique summons can be resummoned once they are killed.

6 - Where would we be without drama? Probably not playing games. Out of the ~400 units you've got on my border, it looks like you've got about 20 militia. You must be using them to patrol your capitol? Oh no, luck scales! So not only do you have double graphs income and gem income, you've got gem randoms and money randoms too! More drama!

PPS Are you sure? My scout tells me your Phoenix took a trip to the woods and laid a load of Storm Demons.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 06:04 AM

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Default Re: Methadone - running

1 - I was refering to the old phrase "As long as everybody is unhappy, a compromise is a good compromise"

2 - I mean, even IF I'm losing I don't have a problem having fun of it. Mostly. Although I almost managed to bite my own *** after learning in Bazooko that Abysian mages burn. Means, if the province is attacked, your indy mages should be positioned somewhere ELSE, not in the same (standard middle) spot as your mages. Result: 1 dead Air Queen killed by lots of Burning Ones, >10 dead indy mages, 1 lesson learned.

3 - Nope, check it out - your slope is higher than his. I can't tell if his horror marked researchers get killed - I managed to forge me a few lanterns, but none was horror attacked. Is there Luck/Misfortune involved as well? I don't claim that my few lanterns are "representative", but he must have forget LOTS of them, since the increase in his research graph wasn't "natural mages".

4 - Dang. So my 5 extra pearls wouldn't be sufficient to dispel it? Good to know, so I can cancel it before it's hosted......

5 - Oh, I know they can be resummoned, my scouts just didn't show them "towering above the army". But right, now you're sieging the castles. Is there a way, BTW, to get an army scout report once you're sieging a fortress?

6 - Most of my troops are either just sucky militia (I send them to the front every time! Either they kill something or they get roasted by my blind mages casting misguided fire spells..) or minor Abysia Light Infantry. I don't claim I don't get money at all, but the lucky events have been rare the last dozen turns, and more than half my income gets eaten by upkeep.
Yes, I know, I should be thankful for BoT relieving me there...

PPPS: Ah, so it was YOU! He can't **** when anyone is watching, you know!!
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Old December 11th, 2008, 06:32 AM
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Default Re: Methadone - running

2 - Yeah, friendly fire is always a fun discovery. You know, I'm still confused as to whether Inner Furnace makes Aby's indy troops heat-immune. I think it does, even though it shouldn't. They don't get a FR immunity, but they do get Heat, and they seem to stop catching on fire.

3 - Nah, it's an optical illusion caused by his higher previous rate.

4 - Yep, good plan.

5 - Send a spy (not scout) over the province. I don't know what reports 3rd party spies get in a siege though.

6 - You're welcome
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 06:44 AM

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Default Re: Methadone - running

2 - Re: Inner Furnace. Hm. I never used that one when there were indies around on my side, but maybe I should spend some time to check this out. The case mentioned was just a combination of "Make sure your troops are positioned and scripted even if you don't intend to use them in a fight, the enemy might intend to attack" and "Not everybody on this planet has 100% FR".
Still, Inner Furnace + Heat from Hell AND Burning Ones is a nice sight on the battlefield. I mean, you won't do that every day, but it's... a warm picture

3 - I have stretched the graph to the whole screen (large screen ), and by holding/moving a ruler that is positioned in parallel with the graphs, yours one is higher already. Definitely. Still, Jim hasn't commented on his mages being dead, following the initial conclusion...

4 - I did not really intend to dispel it. Using anything less than 50-100 gems excess over the minimum requirement seems pointless to me when casting a Global (dunno if I'm right, just as a general rule of thumb), and after a certain event in the past I don't have 150 pearls to get rid of that stupid spell

5 - So only a spy will give me intel after a siege has begun? Dang, I don't have spies, but at least I know there IS a way.

6 - I've never played a nation that has spies, but your numbers (20 militia) sound pretty exact (I haven't counted mine)- is that the kind of information a spy gives you, with rough numbers for each troop type in an army?
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Old December 11th, 2008, 07:03 AM
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Default Re: Methadone - running

I don't have spies either! We can start another game when this one is done, and you can pick a race that gets spies. Or maybe just try it in SP. They still don't give you exact numbers.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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