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Old December 9th, 2008, 05:05 PM
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Angry Star Trek XI

Well, after reading this article my hopes for this movie just went up in flames....

J.J. Abrams Interview
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Last edited by Black_Knyght; December 9th, 2008 at 05:07 PM..
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Old December 9th, 2008, 07:49 PM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

What? I see nothing wrong with revamping the series... it's rather stagnated these days; I'd been avoiding reading about this movie for so long because of where the series has gone lately but now I'm actually looking forward to it!

Somehow I find myself comparing this to Doctor Who... the last few Doctors have been a LOT different than the first seven, and I think that change was pulled off well! Just have to hope that Star Trek turns out as well as I think it will...
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Old December 9th, 2008, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

I could've told you that after they spend 4 grand on desk lamps for the helmsman console. Not joking.
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Old December 10th, 2008, 11:32 PM
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Angry Re: Star Trek XI

Re-launching the franchise isn't really an issue for me, as much as how they went about it.

Star Trek XI was originally billed as a sort of "prequel" for the previously existing material, and drummed up interest in it as such.

Now, it seems, after they managed to generate a fair amount of support and interest, they slip in "Guess what, it's NOT really a prequel at all, but actually a complete relaunch of the franchise aimed at a younger audience instead".

I seem to recall that being called the old "Bait and Switch" routine....

If it had been billed as a relaunch, I'd have been fine with things as they are. Telling the existing fan-base that it's to be filmed as a prequel, one that would loyally try to stay canon no less, and then redefining it as a relaunch much later down the road smacks of manipulation to me.

If you're going to sell me a cat, sell me a cat. Don't bill it as a cat and then later sell me a dog, telling me it'd be better be younger people will like it more than a cat.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 02:50 AM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

I suspect that if this film tanks, JJ Abrams might lose his "hot property" status in hollywood. It's actually likely given the film's budget of 150 million when you consider the best grossing and most popular star trek film had a budget of roughly 5 million

The reality is that trek does need a reboot, yes. What they are planning here is a reboot without corrupting the original storyline thanks to time travel ( if you depend on time travel as a plot device, the plot is damned weak ) and turning Kirk into a trek version of anakin skywalker ( joy. teenage angst. how new. )

Those, in all are a bad idea.

So is the bridge of the new enterprise. It's like someone took the genius bar and found a way to further "gay-it-up". My favorite touches are the 2000 dollar lamp next to the 600 dollar bar code scanners and all those round lights aimed at people's faces.

Sadly, JJ Abrams is one of those disgusting hollywood types that gets what he wants for fear another studio will give him even more. Like M Night Shamylan who hasn't churned out a clever plot twist that a five year old couldn't punch holes in how many years? Or how about Michael Bay whose films consist largely of spinning slow-mo camera shots, jarring jumps between scenes and explosives.

I think star trek would've been in more capable hands had they given it back to branon braga. At least then we wouldn't bother hating it since he made us trekkies hate everything else he does.
@Azselendor #BoldlyGoing
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Old December 11th, 2008, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

I happen to know JJ Abrams and he's nothing of the sort. He honestly cares a great deal about what he produces and I'm looking forward to this film.

Bait and switch? No, and this sounds like sour grapes, BK. It's going to be an entertaining film, and staying with "what's been working so far" is not what Star Trek needs. It hasn't been working; it's been weak.

Reboot = Good. Look at BSG-RIS. Brilliant, and now much more relevant.

Not flaming, just saying.
Peace out,
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Old December 11th, 2008, 04:21 PM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

My comment about "Bait and Switch" is a bit more valid than you may realize, as are what maybe seems to be my "Sour Grapes".

I'm a huge movie aficionado (having personally worked peripherally in the industry) as well as a big Star Trek fan, and generally try to attend a variety of Sci-Fi and Movie related conventions. Having attended a couple of the conventions that J.J Abrams and Paramount also attended, I managed to catch their presentations concerning the new movie. During their question and answer periods concerning the new movie they made certain things clear to the fans present.

1) - This new movie was to be a tie-in between the existing ST-Ent and ST-TOS, finally interconnecting all the ST franchises.

2) - They'd be going to great lengths to maintain the existing storyline canon and continuity.

3) - They'd be developing the early days of existing characters and their original individual back-stories, in relation to how they came together aboard the Enterprise.

They garnered a lot of praise and applause for these declarations.


Fast forward a bit to recent days, and now we're told it's not really any of the above listed things at all, they're rewriting everything, and ignoring "canon" and "continuity" altogether. It's actually a reboot of the franchise, intended to break new ground and aimed at a new generation of fans - Hehehe, sorry lads!

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not opposed to a relaunch of the franchise. I loved what they did with BSG and even Batman. I'd have had no trouble with that concept for Star Trek at all.

What I don't like is being played, or lied to. Telling me one thing, quite clearly and in person, then later saying it was actually something else all along grates on my nerves. I'd have supported a relaunch if that's what they said they were doing. I'm not thrilled with having my expectations built up for one thing, only to find out later that was all bunk and something different was actually planned all along.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 04:36 PM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

Originally Posted by Black_Knyght View Post
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not opposed to a relaunch of the franchise. I loved what they did with BSG and even Batman. I'd have had no trouble with that concept for Star Trek at all.

What I don't like is being played, or lied to. Telling me one thing, quite clearly and in person, then later saying it was actually something else all along grates on my nerves. I'd have supported a relaunch if that's what they said they were doing. I'm not thrilled with having my expectations built up for one thing, only to find out later that was all bunk and something different was actually planned all along.
Fine. Understood.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

After re-reading my posts, it occurs to me I might sound a bit hostile.

Just to be clear - I meant no hostility with any of my replies. I'm just trying to be as clear as possible about my points.
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Old December 11th, 2008, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: Star Trek XI

Yes, I could feel the angst... guess that's why I went with the "sour grapes" comment. Sorry 'bout that.

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