Originally Posted by Lt. Ketch
This morning I started a battle on a 100X100 map. My thoughts were that with the equivalent to 4+ companies, it was a good size. By turn three my leg infantry had moved all of 150 meters through the snow and forest. Doing the math- the battle is 57 turns long, they have at least 4 KILOmeters to walk with small villiages and lots of hills befor they even get close to their objectives, which is in the middle of over 500 meters of confinded city space. I'm thinking I should have bought at least some transport!  I'm also thinking that the next time I have to fight in these conditions, I'm going to shorten the map by a km or two.
100 x 100
winter is doable in 57 turns with legs but only if the terrain is relatively clear such as rolling hills or level plains without many trees. If its the case that the terrain is not that open then you might need some trucks or a smaller map as you said, never buy apcs as they simply lard up your point total and give the enemy an advantage by allowing him twice as many warm bodies with rifles.
If you want the keep the big map
and not use up points on transports simply put all the V hexes on one hex and mark down the value for each to 5. This will make the entire stack only about 100 points and will let the battle decided by how many of the enemy you kill rather who walks over a hex. Put the stack over something important in the middle if its a meeter and vol la. If its a defense or delay just use the same trick but make it flag worth 10 or so and split it up equally into three good objectives.
Have you considered posting an AAR? This engagement sounds interesting and I would like to hear more about it if you are willing.
Andrew Nault

P.S. How many hexes are in a kilometer?