
August 24th, 2009, 12:45 PM
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Generic Map Modding Questions
1. Is there an orderof opperations to which Fortification is build depending on the terrain present? IF in a terrain w/ Forest & Swamp, does a forest keep get build or the swamp?
2. I've encountered sites that increase heat, or unrest, other scales, but I didn't see the command in the "Unoffical modding manual 3.20". Are the commands known?
3. I've seen multiple maps w/ no independants. Is it possible to have a map with some territories with no independants while others have then available?
4. Is it possible to force a territory to never get any random sites (other than creating 4 worthless sites), while letting other sites be normal? If the 4 worthless site option is the way to go, any way to make sites impossible to be found?

August 24th, 2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: Generic Map Modding Questions
1) Yes. The fort is always the type that corresponds to the smallest terrain mask for the province. The list is in the mapedit.pdf file in docs folder.
2) The UORMM is obsolete. It was made the official modding manual at around that time, and the newest patch has the 3.23b version in the docs folder as the modding.pdf. That one has the site modding commands that increase scales.
3) Yes. Setting a province to have no independents is done by using the #poptype command. If you specify an invalid poptype (e.g. something over 100), there are no recruitable units in that province. This must be done separately for every province that is to have no indies.
4) The #killfeatures command. The way it works is that when a game is created, random site assignment happens first. Only then is the map file read and any sites scripted to the province are added. #killfeatures wipes out any sites that might have been randomly assigned. So just use that and leave it at that. The province will never have any sites.

August 24th, 2009, 02:22 PM
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Re: Generic Map Modding Questions
Originally Posted by Edi
4) The #killfeatures command. The way it works is that when a game is created, random site assignment happens first. Only then is the map file read and any sites scripted to the province are added. #killfeatures wipes out any sites that might have been randomly assigned. So just use that and leave it at that. The province will never have any sites.
Actually, can't the province then acquire a site due to random event? (Gold Mine, Deepest Cave, etc.) It wouldn't start off with any, of course, but it might eventually gain one.

August 24th, 2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: Generic Map Modding Questions
Thanks for the answers, Edi.
Was thinking about a map where empty territories were common, making strategic movement come more into play. Also would make the presence of rare independants (places in areas of various civilization) more interesting and possibly useful. The scales modding site might be useful for helping enforce deserts, glaciers, fertile areas, etc. by adding a site that alters the scale.

August 24th, 2009, 04:24 PM
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Re: Generic Map Modding Questions
Originally Posted by Stavis_L
Originally Posted by Edi
4) The #killfeatures command. The way it works is that when a game is created, random site assignment happens first. Only then is the map file read and any sites scripted to the province are added. #killfeatures wipes out any sites that might have been randomly assigned. So just use that and leave it at that. The province will never have any sites.
Actually, can't the province then acquire a site due to random event? (Gold Mine, Deepest Cave, etc.) It wouldn't start off with any, of course, but it might eventually gain one.
That's true. Can't affect event based sites.
Originally Posted by InfStorm
Thanks for the answers, Edi.
Was thinking about a map where empty territories were common, making strategic movement come more into play. Also would make the presence of rare independants (places in areas of various civilization) more interesting and possibly useful. The scales modding site might be useful for helping enforce deserts, glaciers, fertile areas, etc. by adding a site that alters the scale.
You're welcome. The idea of a map with islands of civilization clustered around nations actually appeals to me quite a bit. With fixed starting locations and poptypes made to suit the character of the nations in question in the close provinces, with vast hinterlands in between where all you can find is maybe some sites sounds great. The maps just need a lot more in the way of initial vision than a generic map would.
For the scales, there are already some sites that you can use, Desert increases Heat and Death, no benefits. Rain Forest increases Heat and Growth. Tundra increases Cold. Most of the other scale influencing sites produce some kind of gems.
The rest can be modded, but then the map would also require using the mod at the same time.
For a fun exercise wrt sites affecting scales in a province, try this on for size: - The Valley of Shame (increases Turmoil & Sloth)
- The Draining Stone (increases Death & Drain)
- Prison of the Desert Sun (increases Heat x2)
- The Vale of Infinite Horror (increases Misfortune)
Alternatively switch Prison of the Desert Sun for Desert (increases Heat & Death) so there's 1x Heat and 2x Death increase with a lot less gems (0 for Desert vs 5F for Prison of the Desert Sun). Not a province I'd want to live in.
For another fun province you'd want to steer clear of:
- Hall of Flayed Skins (5% horror mark)
- Haunted Torture Chamber (5% curse)
- Leper Fens (10% disease)
- The Vale of Infinite Horror (increases Misfortune, 1% Horror Mark)
Too bad there isn't any site that increases Death and Misfortune at the same time, it'd fit right in. Switching Leper Fens for Inkpot End would cut gem income by 3 and halve the chance of disease.

August 25th, 2009, 11:11 AM
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Re: Generic Map Modding Questions
Would you prefer a map where these things are placed specifically for best strategic value? Or would you prefer maps where these are done randomly so that each play is different? (or of course you could do both)
If you take a look at the game types on my hosting site
there are a number of them which involve generating a random map, then using a program to generate additional map changes, then offer the game online for players. Usually just small maps and 1-4 players altho larger ones are available on request.
I could see where this type of game would be interesting. Also, lack of independents is a factor often used to force the AIs (computer players) to play better. I have found that also raising the setting on non-passable mountains during generation can create many strategic locations (altho I dont do it on the games listed as the map is too small to support that). At an extreme setting even turn the map into a type of maze. Here is an example of that...
(scroll down and click on one of the green maps)
Anyway, what I meant to ask was if you were interested in creating such a map or maybe instead interested in defining variables for another randomly generated game type?
Gandalf Parker

August 25th, 2009, 12:18 PM
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Re: Generic Map Modding Questions
Gandalf, my original idea was to hand-craft a map so I can completely control where everything goes. I'm an old RPG'er and always designed me game worlds.  The map is #3 on my things to make, first I need to finish two empires I had been designing. (Graphics isn't my best area)
I just need to tear myself away from conquering Faerun w/ LA Ermor. 
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