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Old September 2nd, 2009, 07:54 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Actually, Come to think of it... Armageddon is lowering your Income just like Utterdark would more or less.. So go ahead cast away with all of em ya want.

I did notice that I lost one mage to the Armageddon. In the new army I was building I had 18 of one type of mage and now I have 17 so I lost about one out of 20 maybe.

It looks like you took a huge income hit from it though and didnt gain much at all especially considering I dont need income for my troops. Not to mention the damper it probably would put on your blood hunting.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Yeah, took a bit of hit. About 2000 gold. But then, I don't really spend much gold anymore. Just for chaff. Still have plenty for those guys. Another one might crimp my income too much though, so probably won't be doing another, at least for the time being. It does hurt my blood hunting though.

It was kind of a surprise move that you use when you are desperate. Hopefully, it came as a surprise anyway. The turn ended up going pretty well for me, since I had armored up all my mages in anticipation of the armageddon. Not sure what it did to Arco. Hopefully it did not ream him too badly.

New Demon Lord coming into the field this turn. Not sure he can stem the tide, but hopefully he can help. I did win two key castle battles, but I am losing my center... not good.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Originally Posted by Lingchih View Post
I see that you still have maxed out troop numbers though, even after the armageddon. Amazing.

Of course, Armageddon only potentially takes out 20% of the troops. Still, I did hope for some drop on the graphs.
I would say that all in all the armageddon maybe killed roughly one turns worth of reanimated undead maybe a bit more, certainly no more than two turns worth at the very most.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Originally Posted by Lingchih View Post

It was kind of a surprise move that you use when you are desperate. Hopefully, it came as a surprise anyway. The turn ended up going pretty well for me, since I had armored up all my mages in anticipation of the armageddon. Not sure what it did to Arco. Hopefully it did not ream him too badly.
Well Arco's mage's are pretty weak so I'm guessing you pretty much owned his *** with that Armageddon. My mage's on the other hand all have about 17 - 19 hp's so they were pretty much unharmed all said.

I'm going to guess that you probably really helped soften up arco for me though so thanks for that

I was certainly a surprise though. I actually posted here about the armageddon as soon as I saw it before I ever looked and saw the large impact that it had had on you and arco's income after I saw that I wasnt too upset anymore. You say you dont need much income, but in my opinion if it cuts down on the number of skinshifters you can field it was detrimental to you.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Well, Arco was warned that it was coming. So hopefully he armored his mages up. Probably a bonehead move against GoH though. I'm sure it hurt me more than you. I was thinking GoH would give them about 14 hp, just enough to die. I was wrong.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 08:55 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Upon the advice of some esteemed colleagues, Vanheim concedes the game to Ermor. Good game Psi.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Awww.. And my new army was on the move heading towards your fort at 186. Mind going just 2 more turns so I can see them in action once? Hell they are moving to province 199 if you want to just teleport everything you have that can teleport and cloud trapeze to that province and move all your troops from 186 there and watch the battle next turn.. I want to see how it does. If it owns like I think it will then I'm gonna try it out in Carcrash.

I'd rather seem them fight at 174 where you have a bigger force, but that would take an extra turn.

Besides.. If the army does work like it should I wouldnt mind you ripping it off in a game of your own hehe.

Last edited by PsiSoldier; September 2nd, 2009 at 09:08 PM..
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Heh, I have new games going that need attention. If Arco wants to continue, I will keep the game going, otherwise I will end it tomorrow.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 09:15 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Eh just the one more turn and I'd be happy if you can move your troops from that fort to 199.. All I really want now is to see that army in action once against a worthy army.

I'm pretty sure Arco would be willing to concede the game as well though.

There would really be no need for you to give much attention to anything else anyways Or even just go AI and let me submit my turn on my own twice and then end the game.

But... If Arco wants to continue for some reason I'd be happy to oblige him.
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Old September 2nd, 2009, 10:39 PM
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Default Re: MA Newbie game - Faltering_Steps - Running

Sure, NP, I will keep the game open for another turn.
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