Welcome to Slapfrot, the latest in a line of 6 player
casual games making use of the era mod packs. The settings will be as follows:
Players: 6
Server: llamaserver pbem
Era: Late
Tone: Casual. This means no record in the HoF and the goal of the game is to have fun. If you want serious gaming, look elsewhere.
Diplomacy: Completely non binding. Expect to be betrayed.
Also no trading
Map: NI_Sixlands (see attachment)
Mods: Late Combo Mod (see below)
Graphs: On
Mercs: No
Victory: 4 cap forts held
Other conditions: You MUST make use of IRC to play in this game. If you don't you'll be kicked. It's just more fun when people are taunting in realtime.
Late Combo Mod
This mod can be found here:
You must enable it before making your pretender. You must not enable any other mods.
The mod contains CBM, streamers and standards, llama's endgame summons and 8 mod nations: Teutanion, Sanguinia, Kharam Dzu, Sylvania, Hesalt, Vaettiheim, Jomon Broken, Ulm Reborn
You may pick from any of these mod nations, or any LA vanilla nation.
Players so far:
Ferrosol - Sylvania
Sombre - Hesalt
Jurri - Jomon Broken
Starshine Monarch - LA Midgard
Fantomen - LA Caelum
militarist - Sanguinia