The following should deal with nearly all the remaining issues as far ground units go, bar of course future new purchases by the iraqi army.
- Unit 374:SA-6 Kub
- Unit 379:AMX-30 Roland
- Formation 175:SP-SAM Platoon
- Formation 173: SP-SAM Battery
Final availability date should be changed to 4/2003.
Albeit some SP-SAMs were captured in what seemed to be intact or repairable conditions they were destroyed instead of being stored and passed on to the new iraqi army.
A SP-SAM Section formation should be added with 1/2011-12/2020 as availability dates in order to account for unit 46 Avenger HMMWV
Unit n. 9 M60A1Rise, unit n.10 M60A3-TTS, unit n. 215 M728 CEV
They should be deleted.
The rumors about short term purchases of significant numbers of surplus M60, which might have conceivably included M728s, have proved to be unfounded. The iraqis aquisition program has settled on the Abrams as the primary MBT supplemented by T-72s.
Unit 284 Cascavel III
A clone of it should be added with 1/2008-12/2020 as availability dates
Unit 40 T-72M-CS
1)Initial availability date could be changed to 1/1987 (given the iranian penchant for infantry attacks a HE heavy T-72 would be rather useful)
2)Sabot load should be reduced from 11 to 6 (currently it carries 49 rounds, too many)
Unit 68 : BMP-2 (CS)
Initial availability date should be changed to 1/1987, current availability is1/2020-4/2003, a typo.
Unit 179: 155mm GCT Pl
Initial availability date moved forward to 1/1983 to match unit 357, its on map counterpart which has the correct availability date.
Unit 414: rifle squad
1) AK47 in slot 1 replaced by weapon n.7 M16 Rifle
2) Vision rating could increased to 10
3) weapon n. 20 M136/AT4 LAW A replaced with weapon n. 156 RPG-7VR
This could represent a “high end” infantry squad. It appears that high end RPG-7s warheads have been purchased lately
A clone of unit 423 Motor Section with class changed to class 69 Mechanised Infantry could be added.
Units 288-293: BRDM-2
1) Availability dates changed to 1/1967-12/2007
2) FC rating increased to 2
Formation 290 Arm Bn Sup't Co
1) Final availability date restricted to 4/2003
2) Unit 350 in slot 2 replaced by formation n. 286 Assault Gun Pl
3) Unit 350 in slot 3 replaced by formation n. 304 Recon Plt
Formation 292: Inf Bn Sup't Co
1) Final availability date restricted to 4/2003
2) unit 265 ATR team in slot 1 should be replaced by unit 410 rifle section or a scout team
3) unit 265 ATR team in slots 2 and 3 should be replaced by formation 366 RCL Section
4) Formation n. 215 Machinegun Sec in slot 4 replaced byformation n. 156 AA-Gun Platoon
5) Formation n. 226 Mortar Section in slot 5 replaced by formation n. 225 Mortar Battery
Formation n. 51 Motorised Pl
A truck should be added, as current carry capacity is insufficient.
Some units/formations which should have a 4/2003 cutoff
Formation n. 21 Motor SF Co
Formation n. 22 SF Co [H]
Unit 462 SF Section
Unit 467 SF Section
Weapon n. 21 Improvised bomb
I think it could be exploited to create an intermediate size IED. Something packing a bigger punch than a booby trap but less powerful than unit n. 152.Something along the lines of these: