Many of us are trying to clean up the countries in the game as we find issues. The slots are
very tight right now. I have personally and openly stated it's my mission to do what I can to accomplish this. I speak for myself here but, it is a reflection of what others have done as well in different areas. Just look at the Patch Post thread between the three posts I had ~30 units up for deletion covering developmental units such as the COMANCHE helo, units designated to be recieved by countries such as Turkey with the AH-1Z.
So the argument doesn't wash at least not with me. I can now go back and say
DELETE MEADS (Italy), EFV (USMC) and Su-47 BERKUT (Russia), due funding cut off after developmental stage by U.S. and Germany, Program cancellation and Developmental prototype/Demonstrator only (
Sounds familiar doesn't it? Much like the topic at hand.) I'm willing to bet for every 1 deletion submitted I had at least 2 or 3 Additions in new equipment and modifications to existing ones that in some cases involved adding more units. Also it has to be taken into account many OOB's have been over looked and are missing units i.e. I came across an article or two concerning the Polish PT-91 TWARDY and Malaysia's PT-91M PENDEKAR. This lead to a MODs on 4 tanks, 1 name CHANGE, ADD 2 BN APC types, DELETE 1 APC type never recieved, ADD 6 APC types in service since 2003 and finally CHANGE 2 APC names. Two articles on a tanks armor (Submitted 4 total.) and need to fix it in the game, went from 2 issues to a total of 16 all requiring verification to my standards and posting of those refs. I spent almost 2 days just on this. So the choice here is simple do you want units that might or might not get off the shelf and be fielded, or do you clear out these units as best as you can to make room for what's missed and either is fielded or definitely will be (My arrangement with the "Boss" is within 2 yrs.) based on good solid research and proven references? You can't go to far out as things change the best example of this is the F-35 delayed time and time again, I posted an article in the Jet/Plane thread a couple of weeks back where the Program Manager has stated that testing has been moved thur 2016 and might not be operational until 2018. It could possibly be totaling deleted from the game if delayed just a couple of more times due to operational or funding issues. It's again my opinion (And as I've said before "Opinions are like... never mind but we all have one!?!) just can't afford the maybes, updating existing units etc will be challenging enough trust me. One final example, Thailand as posted is to buy 200 Medium tanks to replace their M-41 tanks I think it was (Posted recently in the MBT thread.), I come across some legitimate newspaper articles saying they've decided to buy the OPLOT from Ukraine over the S. Korean K-1, is this enough to get it in the game? No! Why, for me anyway let me see it off a major defence related news/ professional website JANES (IMP how's the fund raising going for my subscription?), DEFPRO, DID and others and give me the dates for production, delivery and
fielding. That's my minimum requirement.
Nothing good comes easy it requires perseverance, a strong will and due diligence. This is in small part a microcosm of what others have done long before I came along. Thank you for your time, now I'm at least ready for the 2011/2012 campaign, PP's away!
I think maybe everyone has

after beating this

on my bully pulpit!!
The bottom line help us find these issues and be able to support it.
"Down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid... Definition of a Hero by Raymond Chandler
Good Night!