Originally Posted by Miketee10022
Originally Posted by daferg
This game has taught me that a 95% chance to hit is not a 100% chance to hit. It has also taught me that an overeager engineer with a satchel charge makes for some WTF moments. I'd like to know who thought it was a good idea to give satchel charges and flamethrowers to engineers anyhow.
Sometimes stuff just happens. Embrace the suck.
I love this comment! Thanks for the smile! 
There used to be a thread on moments like this but I cant remember the name of it, luckiest & most unfortunate moments perhaps a new one should be got going.
Do remember posting though about engineers causing carnage. They ran up & unloaded behind & line of trees only to discover the enemy was on the other side. Op fire by the engineers next go caused havoc.
Sure they stopped them cold but in the process killed more of my own troops & destroyed their APCs to boot!!!
I now turn off there weapons sometimes just to give my guys a break if they are close by.