Adding noise to map
First off thanks for your continual work on this game, your ideas have kept me playing for way to long now.
This time really like the randomness with vehicle smoke and the mini map alternative view can be handy at times.
Also appreciate Don’s work on the map tiles of recent and looking forward to the revamped icons which made me think.
When you import map heights from Vehola the ground is not flat, the ground can often be at height 1 or sometimes 2 (not level just additional height like a field or tall grass).
This produces more realistic terrain in my view over distance as they eventually restrict view.
As we now have the option with the fill tool to apply a splatter effect rather than a solid fill could it be used to add “noise” as in height +1 in the splatter hexes?
If this could be added to the random map generator even better.
Could have varying degrees of splatter from off to flatish to rolling countryside.