I just want to get this straight... the PLAYERS have to be using the same data files that the HOST used to process the Last turn, and not the other way around, right? So if I wanted to change the data files on the players after 10 turns, I would have to process the 11th turn with the new data files even though the players had to use the old ones when actually entering their orders? I suppose I could send them the new data files along with the 11th .gam file, but it would be kind of odd for them to have to remember which things have changed while they play their turn... or I could change the data files a turn early (before processing turn 10) but not send them to the players until after turn 10 is processed like before and explain it all away by saying that things ordered in one turn don't really happen until the next turn, so the players have to guess at what is going to happen... if any of this makes sense...
edit: oh wait, that second plan was exactly the same as the first, only things happened a turn early... hmmm... how am I going to do this???
[ July 04, 2003, 03:41: Message edited by: Ed Kolis ]