uhmmm, you must be psychic... this just came out
Version 1.87:
1. Added - "Move Hundred" to Cargo Transfer window.
2. Fixed - In Simultaneous games, scanned enemy ship designs would not be saved.
3. Fixed - "Max Positive Anger Change" and "Max Negative Anger Change" were being
used as percents instead of tenth of percents.
4. Fixed - Ships were not receiving experience for kills made with seekers.
5. Fixed - Increased the population amount for the storehouse in combat simulations.
6. Fixed - The Small Graviton Beam is now under the Gravitational Weapons tech area.
7. Fixed - Mothballing would not generate a log message in simultaneous games and would
show a messagebox instead.
8. Fixed - Unmothballing would not generate a log message in simultaneous games.
9. Fixed - Converting resources would not generate a log message in simultaneous games.
10. Fixed - The Abandon Planet order would not generate a log message in simultaneous games.
11. Fixed - Intelligence reports on planets were not showing the cargo they contained.
12. Fixed - In Computer Versus Human games, the AI's would get negative happiness modifiers
on treaties (Partnership) they were forced to have.
13. Fixed - AI's would continue to propose the existing treaty in a Computer Versus Humans game.
14. Fixed - In the Combat Simulator, any player that has a base or a planet will start in the
center of the combat map.
15. Fixed - The Fleet Report window's list will now respond to the Mousewheel.
16. Fixed - The component list in the Tactical Combat window will now repsond to the Mousewheel.
17. Fixed - The Add Design window's components available list will now respond to the Mousewheel.