Re: Is the REAL problem with VQs...Norfleet?
Send me a .trn file containing a battle replay where an equipped VQ - even without wishes - is taken down by any of those spells - or even all of them at once - and I'll shut up.
Otherwise, I'll continue to maintain that those are inadequate counters to high-MR 0-fatigue SCs (particularly, but not necessarily limited to, pretenders) - either too low precision or dependent on MR penetration.
We aren't even bothering to list the elemental attack spells, because they're even less effective. If your SC gets taken down by *those* you didn't equip it properly. Although they *could* work - if the game was modified so that you couldn't gain more than 100% resistance from items and spells combined, thus creatures that are inherently weak to an element would still take SOME damage from it no matter how much magical protection they tried to amass. Make that change and the VQ fire weakness 50% (if she isn't already), and Incinerate would be able to deal with her, if you had enough mages casting it to overcome her regeneration and life drain. (An undead or lifeless screen would negate the life drain for as long as it Lasted.)
People do not like to be permanently transformed and would probably revolt against masters that tried to curse them with iron bodies.
Pigs, on the other hand, are not bothered, or at least they don't complain.
-- Dominions II spell manual