Best non-pretender SC\'s?
In keeping with the current running forum theme, I've been thinking about what the best supercombatants (not based on a pretender chassis) that you can make are, and what do you equip them with?
I'll start. The two standard ones for me are:
Wraith Lord (or Bane Lord for a cheaper Version)
- Wraith sword
- Horror Helm
- Jade Armor
- Flying boots
- Luck Pendant
- Amulet of Antimagic
With 3D, the one useful buff seems to be Soul Vortex.
- Charcoal Shield
- Scrutata Volturnus (shock shield)
- Starshine Skullcap
- Stymphalian Armor
- Boots of Quickness
- Amulet of Antimagic
- Stone Bird or Dancing Trident
With 3S, The golem can cast Body Ethereal, Astral Shield, Personal Luck, Twist Fate, and Astral Weapon before stomping away.
This golem works well (against the AI at least) as an uber-trampler, far more effective at destroying huge numbers of enemies compared to the Wraith Lord, where enemies seem to route and escape more often. I'm wondering what people think of the 2-shield choice, though, and reagining a weapon by using a misc slot. Another limitation is the golem's only size 5, so enemy size 5-6 units can't be stomped
I once summoned a Tartarian Titan with, IIRC, 2E 2W 2S, which I equipped somewhat like the golem above, and which worked great, since he was size 6, had 200+ base hp, and could cast some elemental buffs.
So for fun:
1) What are your favorite non-pretender SC's?
2) What's the cheapest (near-)SC you can build?
3) If you had all research complete, mages of all the necessary paths for summoning/forging, and all the gems you needed, what's the most uber SC you can dream up? (Ground rules: no wishing for pretenders, and no empowering to insane levels).
[ May 17, 2004, 21:59: Message edited by: LintMan ]