NullAshton said:
The emperor is seen in all 6 movies, Emperor Palpatine was also known as Senator Palpatine, as well as the leader of the Old Republic, which I don't remember what was called Obi-wan was seen in all of the movies, as a ghost in the last two however. Anakin/Darth Vader was seen in all the movies. Those two droids were seen in all of the movies. Yoda WAS seen in all 6 movies, he was shown in the last one as a ghost And that's about all for people who's been there for the whole movie.
The Emperor is mentioned in passing but never actually makes an appearance in IV, and his appearance(s) in V are all holographic. Yoda isn't even mentioned in IV, except possibly as an off-hand reference by Obi-wan to his master without saying his name.
Obi-wan appears in all 6, though only as a ghost in the last 2. Anakin/Darth Vader is a major character in all 6. R2D2 and C3PO at least make token appearances in all 6. Other than those 4, almost no one appears in both trilogies, and all of those but Yoda and Palpatine have only a brief appearance in III for their total coverage in the prequel trilogy - Luke and Leia as babies, Tarkin as background in a star destroyer bridge scene near the end, and Chewbacca might have been among the wookies with Yoda on Kashyyyk. Oh, I almost forgot, Jabba makes an appearance officiating at the pod race in I, and Boba Fett has a very minor role as a kid in II.