Yet Another Cursed Newbie
Hello all,
Been playing the DomII demo for a few days. I got itchy waiting for SE:V, and went looking for something new. Really been enjoying DomII, and slowly but surely am figuring out the game mechanics.
However, there is one thing I can't find an answer to anywhere, either in the game, in these forums, etc: How does one remove the cursed status from a unit? My pretender was cursed early in the game, (random event, "Angry witch is evicted from her home and curses you" or somesuch). Seems a rather heavy handed affliction if it can't be removed. Am I missing the obvious?
Also, I'm curious about when DomIII is likely to show up? I see it's in development, but is it likely to be 6months, 12, 18....? I don't get the impression that it's imminent, but am trying to justify whether to buy DomII now or wait for DomIII, (Zeus knows I have plenty of other things to do than get wrapped up in a game right now!)