ulm black forest
ulm black forst I find is OKAY
but I think there are some things I can do to make it better
I have a lich with:
death 5
nature 4
astral 4
black fortress
1 productivity
1 order
1 death
-1 fortune
2 magic
are these good settings?
I plan to play this nation in a wierd way I think...:
1. build 4 wolf herders
2. get as many Mot2T as I can and research thaumaturgy 4
3. build a wolf army to go with my starting army send my wolf herders and send them with my army
4. conquer provinces until I reach a choke point here I raise the PD and build a fortress then I do the same on the other side such as on the middle earth map
5. send out priests and my god to search for magic sites and build temples.
6. research 8 constuction then conjuration
7. if that undead guy with a bit of blood and can summon thralls comes I boost him up give him the biggest and best army I can such as:
75 villans
85 ghoul gardians
25 or some thing like that, magic creatures
then I make him magic items and put him at the frontish of my army and smeg the lot of them
8. do the same with 2 capt. rangers but I give them bows and 2 mages
then I go on a killing spree and kill a nation rest for 20 turns and start the whole thing again but with more mages (as research is all but complete) and things cast loads of gift of reasons on migical or wicked troops and give them an army such as:
hama dryads
and others
give them an army and send them off to reinforce vital locations
I went to royal cornwall 8/6/06-9/6/06...
met a girl...
Chloe I will remember as always yet love is fickle and past loves fly out of mind in a matter of days
jut like Rosanna