Re: SP AI definitely still questionable.
Archonsod said:
Gandalf Parker said:
The problem seems to be that if most of ArmyA is wiped out in the first couple of provinces, its still ArmyA. And that army gets sent out over and over until its gone.
Its the disband or refill code that seems to be lacking. Im not sure how often it checks its armies trength or rebuilds them.
I'm not so sure it's a problem. I've noticed the AI tends to move several armies into a position to attack the same province. While the small army attack isn't going to win, it can put you in trouble if you can't replace the troops it killed before the larger armies attack.
That may be, but sending the prophet or pretender with a small army on what's essentially a suicide mission is what I'd call a problem.
Great indebtedness does not make men grateful, but vengeful; and if a little charity is not forgotten, it turns into a gnawing worm.