Re: SP AI definitely still questionable.
Hm actually "probing attacks" can be good you are correct. Perhaps you are right, and the AI is doing it with a purpose. However yeah, pretenders shouldn't take a part in probing attacks.
The other thing what should be upgraded is the AI pre-game nation design algorithm. AIs shouldn't take very bad scales, especially not the difficult -> impossible AIs.
Also, they should take the proper magic paths what are the best for the given nation. [Example: EA Agartha -> earth, fire, death mainly]
Overall I am absolutely impressed about the AI really. It is building lot of castles, and fielding massive/strong armies.
Today I don't have time to play sadly, but tomorrow I will try to play a long game, and check the endgame AI tactics. I wonder if it is gonna summon units properly or not for example. Maybe that part of the AI has been upgraded also.
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