Devnullicus said:
Elsemeravin said:
Maximum Level := 150
The value of 150 in Maximum Level is pretty high. The problem is that the form component is set with a min and max value of 0 and 100 for that field. I suppose I could change that to allow higher values (and I should definitely change the validation code to be in sync with the form components), but I'm not sure why you'd want such a high value for Maximum Level?
My plan is to make research more continuous with many many small rewards for each step. That way there won't be a big difference between two ships just because of a few turns from the next weapon level. And retrofitting ships won't be possible for every level (too costly).
I think you can easily max this value to 65536 so to have no more problems.
2) All fields that are combo boxes get their values from other files or seem to be hardcoded values in the game. If a field in the file would allow arbitrary user input, I had the combo box allow it as well. Most do not.
I get another problem with prevous component because of the group which is norally not hardcoded but refuse from the editor:
I'll keep posting as soon as I meet problems. Just tell me when you have enough so you won't hate me