Immortal units - if killed by a horror inside your capital with positive dom, should they respawn? With or without items?
Immortal Units - diseased immortal, when they come back, do they keep coming back with 1 hp and keep dying? or do they still have a chance to heal the disease via immortality. Do they finish the action they were assigned before dying?
Undead and holy - just want to confirm, I think that temples don't affect undead, but holy sites do - correct?
Is there a good/efficient way to site-search for holy sites?
What is the killing light spell from the sword of many colors?
crystal heart: cursed, one extra life - per battle or a 1-shot?
Wailing winds - anyone know the specific morale drop?
upkeep - do most summoned units cost no upkeep? Are there a few that do, specific type or a specific few? Are they in Edi's database? Dumb question, but can't find the other post: is it cost x 15%(30%) or cost/15(30) Makes more sense to be cost/15(30) so you'd get more benefit from sacreds...just want to confirm

So a guy from library 100g should be 6.66g/turn not 15g/turn.