SE:V v1.60 History
The latest from the beta...
Version 1.60:
1. Fixed - When running command line processing, the game will default to Windowed mode.
2. Fixed - The Sector View would show cloaked enemy ships.
3. Fixed - Planets would grow unhappy from enemy ships that were not visible inside storms.
4. Fixed - "Out Of Resources" error on game start.
5. Fixed - Some machines would compute a different checksum with the exact same data files.
NOTE: If you are currently running a simultaneous game, you need the host to
end turn before players can play a new turn.
NOTE: Checksums are only computed for Simultaneous turn Different Machine games.
6. Fixed - Ships moved by a spatial anomaly would disappear completely.
7. Fixed - Trade resources were not getting added to an empire's coffers before construction and maintenance.
8. Fixed - The minister scrapping units on planets will not longer display on screen messages. All unit
scrapping will be reported in the logs.
9. Fixed - Unit scrapping log messages did not have a portrait.
10. Fixed - Sometimes game creation would add two identical random empires to a game.