Re: Conceptual Balance Mod and patch 1.17
Couple more little issues.
The Knight Commander unit #23 has hoof when he should have warhorse hoof.
I still believe the Great Bear unit got via sloth of bears and summon animals needs a bite attack. He currently just has claw and with att 9 rarely hits much - Bears can obviously attack with their claws and bite and are known as extremely fearsome animals, so for me it makes total sense for them to have this second attack. There are plenty of similar creatures who get two attacks in this way.
For MA Shinuyama, Bakemono Shamans which are H1 + 1 random EFWD I believe,.. cost 90 gold? Seems a bit pricey. I know they are stealthy bakemono leaders with 40 leadership but they only have 2RP so even with magic 3 they aren't optimal researchers really. I basically don't build them.
Also the Bakemono scout has 40 leadership. This is actually very useful because otherwise you don't have a leader with forest and mountain survival and stealth to lead your little bakemono around,... but I'm not sure if it's intentional. He costs a mere 25 gold.
I could go on a bit about some of the national summons for Shinuyama, but I believe I've already done that. They aren't exactly a great deal currently.
Finally on the Bakemono theme,..I know I say this every time but WHY ARE BAKEMONO SIZE 2? They are so clearly size 1 units that it hurts my brain to try and think of KOs reasoning for them being size 2. The tiny little oni are the same size and those are size 1. Vaetti are the same size, have similar equipment/role/genetics,.. and they are size 1. Clockwork horrors are size 1. Hoburgs are size 1. I just don't get it.