There have been many many good ideas presented in the “Next Patch Request” thread, and I’d love to see most if not all implemented in yet another update. However it is unlikely that all of them could be implemented in anything short of SE:V, thus my tongue in cheek reference to SE:IV Platinum. I’ve summarized most of the ideas from the thread as follows. I’d like everyone’s opinion on what changes would make SE:IV, the greatest 4X space game to date, even better. The items with the most weighted votes, who knows, may even make their way into the next update…
So, I ask you this –
If you could ask Aaron directly and personally (over a coffee say) to change any FIVE things about SE:IV, what would they be?
Here are the rules, because I’d like us to be somewhat realistic about what the man could do and because I’m going to sum this all up and give you back the cumulative opinion of this community. Each voter gets a total of
5 votes, you can apply them anyway you want to the following 30 suggestions produced in the thread (plus mine

). If you really like a particular item, feel free to
assign several of your 5 votes to it!
And please, no fractions or decimals
So here are your big ideas by Category
Ships, Components and Facilities:
1.Components that do research/intel functions
2.Security Components that help protect ship from intelligence attacks
3.Jammers working to block viewing ship in tactical combat as well
4.Drones with “move to” orders
5.Transporters to steal/destroy cargo and or supplies
6.Option to not need star for some types of constructed planet
7.More “Damage Only”
8.Introduce “Damage Only” by
family number(s)
9.Get restricted traits working
10.Increase max # of move points (255 curr.) to eliminate range check error
11.Stackable Combat Movement bonuses (afterburners)
12.“Yes I’d like Aaron to do one of the following,
of his choosing”
a)Give sats up to one movement/combat turn
b)spread sats out around planet instead of same corner
c)make sats and bases move in orbit by moving one space around planet every X combat turns
Diplomacy and AI:
13.Introduce anger modifiers for the use of certain components or facilities
14.Introduce race specific anger modifiers (i.e. blood feuds)
15.When AI or human agrees to “declare war” on another alien race, make it so the declaration goes into effect immediately for a certain number of turns
16.Teach AI to utilize captured populations (on planets with correct atmosphere)
17.Introduce “just out of enemy range” and “in and out of enemy range” to AI combat tactics.
18.Current relationship modifies infiltration factor for intelligence projects
Map Editor:
19.Be able to add ships etc. during map making process
20.Make monsters (and derelict ships) that attack (or can be salvaged by) players & AI
21.Editable galaxy options, ie # of arms, # of black holes, etc.
22.“system randomizer” option that lets the author select one of several classes of system, that the editor then makes (ie. trinary star system, asteroids only, etc)
23.Add more Warp Point types (delayed transit time, war points that collapse after X turns (player made?), periodic warp points that open and close)
24.Racial points used to buy starting technologies
25.Button to select ALL ships of a class be upgraded to another class
26.Ships auto-resupply if running low
en route to another destination (if resupply base is within say 3 spaces anywhere along the route)
27.A supply transfer window for ship and fleets.
28.Race Experience Points to do something
29.Wheel Mouse Support
And finally, number 30...
...More Killer Attack Squirrels
/Edit in proof:
31 Individual ministers for unit and vehicle construction
32 Unit construction in the facilities building cue.
33 an "ADD TO ALL EMPTY QUES" button, lets you add a particular item to any empty ques for
all your planets.
/End Edit
I did my best to repressent each idea clearly, but if you have any questions as to what the heck a Category is about, just jump over to the thread entitled "Next Patch Requests"
My votes are as follows
3 votes for #8
1 vote for #1
1 vote for #12
[ May 13, 2002, 11:20 PM: Message edited by: jimbob ]