Originally Posted by Zeldor
I think otherwise, it would be very easy - just tie some units to lab and some to fort. If you want national mages you need fort + lab. With fort you just have scouts and military leaders. Of course it would require rethinking of some commanders, but there are probably less than 10 total in 3 ages, so no huge problem.
I bolded the difficult part.
Theoretically, it could be done, but changing such a basic part of the game code would require extensive testing to make sure it doesn't cause any major new bugs (like exploits allowing you to build infinite number of commanders, or commanders for free, or to somehow get more gold/resources from cancelling commander recruitments that last for over a turn due to unsufficient resources, or cause problems with recruitment of some units, or allow recruitment of commanders in provinces without a fort and/or a lab in spesific cases like during siege, etc etc), so it's pretty certain it won't happen.