Is why i so enjoy dom3.
Playing as LA Ermor..
I made my starting censor the prophet.. Couple battles we then fought the knights of chalice indy province .. The commander had the full suit of Sun Armor on. Prophet found every piece after the battle.. That mixed with his heroic quickness hall of fame ability and the prophet/gods blessing makes him pretty nasty in combat for this early in the game.
Well fought an indy province with some knights and various infantry.. But it also had a Wizard. Censor is in front killing guys and the other sides wizards is casting dust to dust.. Well he finally manages to hit the square with my censor. Kills the other 2 undead obviously and wounds the censor pretty badly giving him lost one eye affliction. Which was pretty entertaining imaging my censor just had half his head blown off or some such.
But alas he had the last laff. After the meele guys routed..The censor was faster than the other units so got to the ranged guys first.. And got some sweet sweet revenge on the wizard.