I actually have a video of the following somewhere, but can't remember where. I *think* it went something like this:
I was playing Pangaea (not suprising really) and had Arcos on their knees, sieging their capital which was firmly held by massed Arcos troops and mages plus their pretender. Anyway, I decided to storm the castle with a couple hundred beastmen, to see what is inside, so that I'd have an idea what my Pans should cast when they finally would arrive to the scene.
The actual battle bogged down to a slugfest at the gate. Centaurs at the front went berserk, while arrows and massed spell-bombarding nuked my army. I got a pretty good view of what spells Arcos were using.
Then all of the sudden my army routs. Except of course the berserking centaurs. The Arcos melee fellows were also dieing fast. The centaurs *are* tough after all, and there was some massive collateral damage from spells and missiles. Finally the opponents facing the centaurs rout, and four centaurs charge forwards, with rest of the Pan army in full rout.
In waltzes the Arcos pretender, a freak lord called Pennag (yes, that I remember for some reason, the name has burned itself onto my brain). He decides to cast Gifts from Heaven. Three centaurs croak, as does quite a few archers standing between the pretender and my centaurs, *and* the pretender himself is hit too, as he "slightly" misses his target . Oops. The preteder of course does not survive this, so he dies. Double oops. The Arcos army sees their god die, and promptly routs. Triple oops.
The sole centaur alive, a raging berserk, is now the only one left on the field who is *not* routing. He alone proceeds to capture the castle.
I felt so skilled watching the battle replay. Then I had to watch it over and over again, made a video of it, and just couldn't stop myself from laughing