Originally Posted by Psycho
Trampling is a lousy attack. I think it has only attack 10. So high defense helps a lot. Also luck and eternalness. Give your bane a good shield to boost his defense (gold shield - 9 parry, shield of the accursed - 11 parry) and couple him with an astral mage to cast luck and body ethereal on him. Also give him ring of regen to heal those 1hp damage hits he'll get from trampling.
Trampling ignores shield parry, it only works against "real" defense. So, ironically, a Main-Gauche of Parrying is better against trampling than a Shield of Gleaming Gold is. I think a Vine Shield + Elf Bane or Crusherknack is probably your best bet for a thug, though. Can MA Ermor forge Vine Shields? Trampling is a pretty poor attack against a thug anyway so you should survive long enough to get some good licks in.
Otherwise, yeah, single-target spells are a good option. Does MA Ermor still have Augur Elders? If so, they can also spam Incinerate at Alt 5. I can't remember what else is available, except obviously Disintegrate at Alt 8. With all your death mages, Disintegrate should be pretty awesome, although the range is short.