Re: Random New Questions
In an MP game there is a lot of discussion about the critical factors.
Generally it was thought that diplomacy trumped knowledge of the game.
After that there are a lot of important factors.
In the early game, a fast start is *hugely* important. Gold has some importance.
By the end of the game, gold is almost of no import - but gems and research - are.
A construction 20, or a conjuration 20 site - is essentially worth 5-10 gems per turn.
So those sites are nice: The sites that make me take notice however are the sites that allow me to fill a gap I don't have: So for example summoning moon mages / priests. Enchantresses. These let me cast a path I don't have.
And con-50 sites, etc are just simply too good to be true. Those sites can make or break the game by themselves.