Originally Posted by Swan
Originally Posted by Foodstamp
Keep in mind some wounds take longer to heal than others. The one that I noticed taking the longest is the "Never healing wound" that gives a 20% hp reduction. I have seen immortal/recuperating units keep that affliction for a VERY long time.
IMHO, not even immortal/rec unit should heal from it and healer should not be able to heal it.
never means never.
1 : not ever : at no time
2 : not in any degree : not under any condition
That's one opinion among many and reliant on absolute interpretation of words while ignoring possible colloquial usage. It's hard enough to heal with GoH or the Chalice, never mind the lesser healing techniques and can persist for a long time even when subjected to constant healing checks, because it has that great a difficulty. For everyone but a few, it is indeed a never-healing wound.