I have looked for this particular answer and it isn't real clear anywhere so I will ask the Forum Guru's for help.
First let me say I have never used Dispel, I have always overridden a spell so I wouldn't have to spend gems twice.
When there is a global up (say Dark Skies) and it cost 50 A gems, if I want to override it I would need to guess how many gems he had put in it extra (say another 50) and cast 101 A gems to take it down from him and give it to me.
I was under the impression Dispel worked the same way but I was told that it works like this (and if it does WHAT A BARGIAN).
I will use the same Global for reference.
Say Dispel costs 30 gems to cast it, and I figure he put another 50 in it so I add 71 gems to dispel it or a total of 101. THAT is the way I understood it.
I was told that you pay the 30 to dispel and then ONLY the extra gems he used to kill the spell. In other words 30 gems to dispel and 51 to override his extra added gems....total 81 gems.
Twenty may not seem like much because I used a low gem Global, but if you had say Arcane Nexus It could mean a HUGE difference.
If anyone (lOL) understands what I am trying to say, an explanation or example would help me immensely.