Wow people, lots of chat that IMO is bordering on getting too relevant for this current game, and therefore running the risk, even if unintentional, of revealing those secret superhero identities we are all carrying around with us.
Research settings v Bless nations v Era, etc. etc. is a fascinating subject for sure, but can I warmly recommend that a separate thread on the main forum be created for those who wish to bash-out the arguments relating to this issue.
On this topic though, Burnsaber created a mod for the very purpose of helping nations fight bless rushes in games that have higher research requirements.
Maybe this thread is a good one to move the current conversation to.
And some of's turn 5/6 FFS! How anyone can draw any conclusions on this issue based on just this game, and from just the first 5 turns, truly amazes me. I'd be very frightened if anyone drawing conclusions at this stage had any real life jobs that involved doing rigorous and intensive research in any way.
"Hurray, I've found a cure for the common cold!!! I gave one person some medicine, and his cold went away. I conclude from this that this medicine will forever save the world from runny noses and sore throats!".