Originally Posted by Humakty
I'm not that much on D&D either, but GG did much for RPG players in general. He is kind of a first stone in the cathedral you know, symbolic and all, that's why I'm offended with what DD4 is. (some kind of MMO crap, to me at least, seeking 'perfect balance' whilst killing the fun. Pen & Paper is just not adapted to play like a MMO : first, normally, you're with friends around a P&P table, so no real need for a competitive system, uh ?  )
Yes, certainly. That's also why I mentioned his last system even if I didn't play it myself.

As for competitive system(s) - well, there's Munchkin, and it's
muchmore fun than DD$ or even DD3. And tabletop wargames.
But, of course, bringing elements of computer games on the table was... well, I'd still call that stupid. Computer games use computers to crunch numbers and here you can have additional fun from graphical elements and real time occurrencies. Tabletop RPGs have live master who can modify story on the fly as needed. And make opponents react as living persons, not as machines (unless they are). WoC took the course of taking the responsibility from the master's hands a long time ago - 4th edition was only the last nail into the system's coffin.