Originally Posted by Sensori
Originally Posted by Humakty
*JOKE* Well, brutal executions have at least one good point going for them : the guy won't come around complaining. *JOKE*
Brutal executions also have a downside to them. Making people martyrs.  Also, they work well to make the people angrier and more rebellious than they would otherwise been!
The same with kings constantly stepping in and doing the work of their minions.
OffT, I still wanted to say this:
About the Communions thread. It was made clear on page 1 that it was an ironic thread. You cannot get more clearer than: "You guys missed the irony and thought this was a serious post.
... [drivel removed] ... you might want to check out other threads about user Sombre."
And if the mods want people to "make their own conclusions", please just post the PM's made between Sombre and the mods. It would clear up a lot. Probably prove that the Sombre camp isn't totally on the side of right. (As I still think that Sombre's pms where not all butterflies and sunshine, and if it was. Just saying "oops, we overreacted" is possible. People make mistakes).
But currently all that is being done is showing only one point of the argument. The (arguably bad for the Sombre camp) communions thread is revived. But the whole PM and "we have been watching him for some time" stuff is not. Bit Hypocritical. Either do nothing about the whole problem, and don't release any more details (as promised by Annette at first). Or provide transparency in this issue.