Originally Posted by Peter Ebbesen
Originally Posted by Lingchih
Nothing is banned or moderated there. It's a bit wheels off, but freedom of speech is honored there.
You are aware that the issue of how a private forum is moderated is not at all related to the issue of freedom of speech, yes?
As an example, if I say that in my house nobody is allowed to say anything at all and invite you in as a guest, your right to freedom of speech has not been violated when I expect you to shut up and choose to throw you out, should you start talking. (You might rightfully question my sanity by that point should you feel so inclined, but freedom of speech just doesn't enter the equation).
Ignoring that for the moment, good luck with the new forum! 
it's funny when you speak so valiantly about a topic yet you are so clueless about it... local rules, be it your house, a forum, a country's laws, or whatever else,
do not affect the freedom of speech which is a
universal concept. you're saying that you can do whatever you want in your house/forums and it won't damage the freedom of speech, so what happens in countries such as Cuba, Venezuela or any of the Communist countries(not these days but back when Communism prevailed there)? they didn't damage the freedom of speech because it's their country, so they can do whatever they want in it?
or wait, countries are different because they are everyone's, right...?

see, that's where you're wrong! countries are
not for everyone, it's the liberal/democratic system that claims as such, but not all countries are liberal/democracies so this
doesn't apply to the concept of a county as a whole.
freedom of speech is an absolute concept. however it is never kept 100%, it is always damaged
to a degree. the question is how far are you going to damage the freedom of speech, or how tight/loose of a leash you put on it. and it doesn't matter whether it's a forum, your home, a country, your work place, the UN or whatever else. so please, don't come here and tell us that because you agree with Shrapnel's stance on this incident, which many including myself claim was within their right to do so, didn't affect the freedom of speech. that, my friend, is called hypocrisy!