Originally Posted by elmokki
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Thanks for doing this, elmokki. Unfortunately, still not working for me using .jar opener or opening program with console program. The readout is just nonsense to me but maybe I can pass it along to you somehow? Anyhow I know you're concerned with the balance moreso than getting it to work in Linux...I can wait for a functional mod, no rush.
Just post a screenshot here or write a private message with the data. If it's IOExceptions or file not found or something like that then I know what it's probably about.
This is definitely because of JRE (Java runtime enviroinment, ie Java version on your computer) 1.6 or 1.7 or newer is required.
I had confirmation of 0.3.2 working on a linux box apart from the \-directory markers messing things up and requiring some linux magic I have no clue about. 0.3.3 changes all directory markers to / so it should work on Linux/MacOs right away provided all files are there and JRE is new enough.
Also it obviously should work on Windows.