Originally Posted by shatner
Man jumped in "to defend Ermor" because they were big and their opponents were occupied. The fact that there are paragraphs of of Man rooting for Ermor's destruction (back when Ermor was big and Man was not) makes Man's continually restated casus belli so much hypocracy and hot air.
We of T'ien Ch'i have never condemned Ermor for their actions. Heck, we don't even condemn Man for their actions, we just can't stomach the rhetoric being used to justify it. Man, if you are going to invade Jotunheim and T'ien Ch'i because we are adjacent, pre-occupied and weaker than you, don't dress it up as some humanitarian effort to save the poor, beleaguered skeletons of Ermor.
We of T'ien Ch'i want our end to come openly and if our opponent can't or won't deign to engage in open discourse then we will have no compunctions in airing dirty laundry or condemning them through diplomatic channels. At this point, all we have are words, spite and a trio of forts (one of which is under siege).
We never told We do this out of humanity.
Ulm will remember Our short discussion of this.
We told him Jotun is getting too strong, and asked what we should do against it.
His proposal was seizing Ermorian provinces as long as it was still possible.
We had our doubts, would have preferred to aid Ermor with money, gems and diplomacy. Next turn Ermor declared its own death and we tried to scavenge from their remains what we could. TC and Jotun viciously defended their prey diplomatically. When Ermor showed vital signs again, We corrected Our mistake and opted for assistance of Ermor. That was the only moment when We changed the course of Our actions drastically.
We never said this was out of humanity, it is an action to contain Jotun expansion. In all this T'ien Ch'i didn't play a big role in our calculations, as We, no offense, just don't see them as a threat.
All told, Man has never broken it's word, and that is more than there is to say of T'ien Ch'i:
Quote:Originally Posted by triqui
Jotun and TC made a treaty with me about borders. They planned to attack me. Tien chi told me Jotun had a plan against me. He offered to join me and betray Jotun for 400g. I paid, and in the next turn both attacked me. I felt wronged by TC. I paid for something, and I got cheated.