Re: Realistic settings?
We go though this every couple of years what part of "roughly" is unclear? Call it three to five minutes of " real life " per turn. What Andy said was......."take the number of turns played and multiply by (about) 5 minutes "....... so far we have said "roughly" as in " represents roughly 3 minutes " and "about" in "the number of turns played and multiply by (about) 5 minutes ".. because the game ABSTRACTS real life because IT IS A GAME NOT A SIMULATION. I think of the time span as three minutes or so.......Andy thinks of it as five minutes or so if you want to think of it as longer that's fine........go ahead, An infantry section can move across clear terrain three hexes per turn......that's 150 metres per turn. Down a road it's 300 metres. A "brisk" walking pace is around 8 minute per 1000 meters that's 125 metres per minute without a pack a rifle and without wondering is someone going to open fire at any moment. That's 375 metres per 3 minute. So is it not reasonable that in three minutes a section could move across 150 metres of level field ..... 50 meters per minute ?? Or five ??
Last edited by DRG; March 1st, 2016 at 11:32 PM..