February 26th, 2003, 06:06 PM
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Re: OT: Movies I Have Seen Lately
Originally posted by gregebowman:
But I have to disagree that Saving Private Ryan was that. I think you got the message that these soldiers fought, all too many died, for their beliefs. There wasn't any running off to Canada back in the 1940's
Oh, Saving Private Ryan was one pure anti war propaganda.
Lessons from the movie:
1- Soldiers lives are disposable to their commaders.
2- If you are brave you die
3- If you take point you die
4- If you obey your commaders orders you die
5- If you save civilians you die
6- If you help your squad mates you die
7- If you are a coward you survive
8- If you hide you survive
9- Don't ever go to war.
All of these are lies. But the worst thing is that these anti war feelings are so deep in your mind, as you have been exposed to this since you were born, that it all seem perfectly real.
I'm sure there are zillion more little details in this movie, but I haven't seen it in quite a while.
When somebody says he is going to kill you.........believe him. -Holocaust survivor