OK, Rags' comment on my AI modder thread has just got me thinking.
Of all the
fan-created races, I can think of loads which take organic tech, quite a lot of psychics and a few that take religious or temporal. I can't think of a single fan created crystalline race. Can anyone prove me wrong?
Actually, it would be interesting to use this thread to get some statistics: If you have created and released an AI (not counting an improved AI for one of the stock races), please fill out the following form for each race and post it here:
* *
* Race name: *
* AI by: *
* Organic [ ] *
* Temporal [ ] *
* Religious [ ] *
* Crystalline [ ] *
* Psychic [ ] *
* None [ ] *
* Modded Tech [ ] *
* *
I can't be bothered to include propulsion experts, natural merchants etc.
When posting dies down I'll count up all the results and see which of the racial techs is most popular. I'm betting a round of drinks in the cantina that organic comes out a long way on top.