January 9th, 2003, 11:19 PM
Join Date: Dec 2002
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Translation please?
A gentleman named Drake posted this could someone please explain it to me in laymans terms?
I use 50% happiness and usually go with temporal tech. Not only do you get the faster build rate, the vacation service facility has double the effect of the other +happiness facilities.
I pick 81% env resistance. 5% drops you 2% in pop growth, independant of anything else, contrary to common sense. Also, the cutoff is at the 0/1 and 5/6 points, so if you round things off, you hurt yourself more.
With the points from env. resistance, I set reproduction higher. I get enough to set reproduction to 110%, gaining a +6% total, and get 225 pts for free. If you don't need a higher growth rate, it's a great bargain.
Advanced storage. I can't imagine not playing with it anymore. It TOTALLY blows away increasing my individual resource productions, because those bonuses are summed with population and happiness bonuses before being multiplied with your production. Adding 20% more facilities? That's a boost to your base production - all other modifiers also affect the +20% fully without getting a reduced value. PLUS you can siphon off population from your homeworld early without dropping below 2000K, and losing your 10% population bonus. Another major plus.