A few humble supplications to MM
Oh Wise, Oh Magnificent Developers, Keepers and Modifiers of the Source Code..
We humbly beseech thee to entertain our humble supplications....
Now that is down with, I have a few ideas, tht might make for better mods, and some more interesting game play..
1. Make the [%SystemName] [%EmpireName]
[%RaceName] [%PlanetName} substitution strings available to the name strings in facilities.txt,components.txt, vehiclesizes.txt and designnames.txt.
This will allow the above names to be
be included in the facility/unit name wihen it is created. Example "Terran Confederation Dreadnought"
2.Add a line in the vehiclesize.txt entries for design name default. If it is blank, it goes to the current design files, otherwise it uses the design names string in the vehicle entry. The reason I am asking about this is for troops, where I would like to be able to have the troop design name default to something like "Terran Regiment", or
"Abdaii VII Fusiliers" instead of "Michigan". The present scheme works fine for ships, but is limiting for troops.
3. As some other poster mentioned earlier, when planets rebel, the troops on planet go over automatically. It would be nice to have ships and units, remember which planet/system created them, so if a planet/system rebels,
the unit will engage units created on planets not in rebellion, and vice versa, non-local(and non-rebellious) troops on a planet would stay loyal and attempt to supress the rebellion, fighting the rebel troops.(This would give more reason to ground troops)
In addition, ships from rebel planets, would desert their fleets and attempt to come home to join the rebeliion, with race agressiveness determining how much damage they do on the way home(if they make it).
4.I would suggest allowing the creation of multi-system political subunits(suggested name cluster) within the empires.(This could be implemented as all systems in an empire falling within an x1-x2,y1-y2 boundry on the map.(the x an y widths of the clusters could be defined in settings.txt). Then allow
Users to have race-specific cluster names files, so if one race wants to call those systems the "Grand Duchy of Bootlick" and the other "House Mollari Holdings", they can add theRP feel of the geograpy. Also If you allow the cluster to rebel, you have the possiblity of creation of a much stronger rebel empire, than just a world/system seceeding.(More enjoyable and threatening civil wars).(you could also have the rebel cluster government attempting to crush
member worlds that did not join the rebellion).
5.In line with item 3. It would be nice, if units and ships could also have an owning government other than just the empire.
This way, if a system rebels, units created in it that are owned by the system governement would rebel, units created in the system and owned by the empire may rebel, and non-local empire units would not rebel. (I know this proposal is unlikely, but I threw it out anyway.
6. Allow the creation of unique dummy no-op
abilities. The AI facilites construction file build on the basis of abilities. This precludes the AI building Fluff Role Playing
facilities. It would be nice to be able to have my troops conquer/destroy the
"Imperial Palace", "Congress of Worlds Building" or "World Governor's Mansion"
Another option(which would avoid using valuable facility space on a world), would be to allow a basic unit type such as building to be added to the basic vehicle types list. It whould be treated as simply cargo, but would allow the creation of "color" fuff buildings. Imagine your bloodthirsty pleasure when you minion troops just destroyed your adversaries "World Museum of Culture"
Well, my few modest proposals are done now...
Its been fun. Great Game