SEIV Game Turn- Order of Operations
What's your routine for completing a turn?
Many of us have a system that we found works effeciently for getting through a turn. Here is my basic process, which makes sense with my management style:
1. Scroll through the Log File. Select "Go To" for significant events and note the location.
2. Fill the research queue, based on what was completed in the Log File.
3. Create or upgrade designs in the Designs window (if necessary), based on the new technology in the Log File.
4. System by system check, using the quadrant map. While in key systems, manage ship orders on-the-spot.
5. Finish the remaining ship orders using the Ships window (with "orders" view displayed).
6. Check Empire Resource window status.
7. Construction screen (usually with facilities view selected). Toggle back and forth to Empire Resources until I am satisfied with expenditures.
8. Intel projects.
9. Empires- Communications. Ensure I send any Messages / responses.
10. Occassionally check Planets, Colonies, and Score.
11. End turn.