OK, to satisfy my girlish vanity and hopefully to snag a few more readers from all these moo3 refugees, I'm setting up a poll.
I'd be really interested to know how many people are actually reading my Othaglot & Cane story, so if you are please take part.
If you haven't heard of it, it's a piece of Space Empires fan fiction, published chapter by chapter as I write it on my website. It's a rollicking tale of interstellar murder, mystery, betrayal, intrigue, espionage, more betrayal, conspiracy and politics. Did I miss anything? Oh yeah, big unexpected explosions, reckless drinking and (in the best Enterprise tradition) a gratuitous alien shower scene.
Unlike most fanfic which tell stories at the imperial level, this one focusses more on the personal level and tries to explore the society and mindset of the future. I'm really hoping to achieve some character development, but without completely ignoring the political scope of the SE universe.
BTW, if you want to skip straight to the shower scene it's in Chapter 13.
To get to the story, click the banner in my sig or
click right here.
[ March 11, 2003, 17:01: Message edited by: dogscoff ]