Other X\'s
I would hope that most of you know what 4 X means:
But are there more? When it comes to SEIV I would have to say yes. IMHO I feel that SEIV is the first 10 X game out.
You see, Space Empires IV is also:
eXpansive - Long term game play
eXtreme - Hours and hours of "only one more click"
eXtended - Mods, PBW, and ship sets
eXciting - Self-explanatory
eXperienced - The game offers the most play for both armature and experienced player.
eXtraordinary - Nearly three years after its release, it is still going strong. ) In fact it blew away MOO3, which was to be the biggest game of the year.)
Now I am sure there are more X's that can be added to this game, but why bother, it is already the most extremely extraordinary and expansive 4 x game out for those with experience who want extended and exciting game play from a 4 X game.
Creator of the Star Trek Mod - AST Mod - 78 Ship Sets - Conquest Mod - Atrocities Star Wars Mod - Galaxy Reborn Mod - and Subterfuge Mod.