Hello and welcome,
I don't know if you have read the story I am writing or not, but I figure that since I have written one I could offer some advice.
I started writing a while back first with the Cleansing stories, (Star Trek based) and later with the Once Upon The Starts (OUTS). I started OUTS after reading Sachmo's "Rise of the Remorhaz Society" and fell in love with his concept of using SEIV as a story base. Yes Sachmo inspired me as well to write.
I wanted to do something differant and make it the story more involved than just the standard 'we did this this turn' format. I wanted my story to more drama and suspense.
When I sit down to write I always have a basic concept of what it is I want to accomplish for the segment or chapter. After that its all comes out as I type. The story seems to take on a life of its own, sometimes it can be exciting, other times a bit boring, but in the end, it is all good. (Or so I hope)
I do what many writers do with a lot of characters, I have a seprate information page. Each character, item, place, etc is listed on this information page and with it a brief description or back story.
I write because I enjoy it, and even though my work is appreciated by a few people, according to the recent pole, I keep writing because it is enjoyable.
If I had one peace of advice to give it would be to just write and not think so much about what it is your writing, let your imagination do the work and you sit back and enjoy the ride. Good luck and I do look forward to reading your work.
[ June 18, 2003, 20:06: Message edited by: Atrocities ]